Multiple Intelligences and Artificial Intelligence
Kid Linguistic Intelligence
Kid Linguistic Intelligence
Quiz from Camellia Café:
- Love to read?
- Like to tell stories?
- Write poetry?
- Enjoy learning foreign languages?
- Have a good vocabulary?
- Have a good memory for names or facts?
- Play word scrambles, hidden word puzzles, Scrabble, or crossword puzzles?
- Read about ideas that interest you?
- Have fun playing with puns, tongues twisters, and rhymes?
Your are Word Smart!
speech generation —— talk
speech comprehension —— hear
writing generation —— write
writing comprehension —— read
speech generation
Speech production is process by which a thought in the brain is converted into an understandable auditory form. This is a multistage mechanism that involves many different areas of the brain. The first stage is planning, where the brain constructs words and sentences that turn the thought into an understandable form. This occurs primarily in the inferior frontal cortex, specifically in an area known as Broca's area. Next, the brain must plan how to physically create the sounds necessary for speech by linking the planned speech with known sounds, or phonemes. While the location of these associations is not known, it is known that the supplementary motor areaplays a key role in this step. Finally, the brain must signal for the words to actually be spoken. This is carried out by the premotor cortex and the motor cortex.
In most cases, speech production is controlled by the left hemisphere. However, it has been discovered that in cases of neural stress the right hemisphere has the ability to take control of speech functions.
speech comprehension
The Superior Temporal Sulcus activates when hearing human speech. Speech processing seems to occur within Wernicke’s Area.
When speaking, the person can hear their speech, and the brain uses what it hears as a Feedback mechanism to fix speech errors. If a single feedback correction occurs multiple times, the brain will begin to incorporate the correction to all future speech, making it a Feedforward mechanism.
writing generation
Generation of written language is thought to be closely related to speech generation, relying on Broca's area for early processing and on the inferior frontal gyrus for semantic processing. However, writing differs in two major ways. First, instead of relating the thought to sounds, the brain must relate the thought to symbols or letters, and second, the motor cortex activates a different set of muscles to write, than when speaking.
writing comprehension
Written comprehension, similar to spoken comprehension, seems to occur primarily in Wernicke's area. However, instead of using the auditory system to gain language input, written comprehension relies on the visual system.
Children and AI Machines
SPEACH is a fundamental part of being Word Smart.
The ability to READ opens up all kinds of doors into the world of knowledge and imagination.
The more you read, the more you may want to WRITE to tell your own stories and express your own thoughts.
Become more Word Smart
- Write down your ideas.
- Read about what interests your.
- Start a journal.
- Go to a library.
- Look up words in a dictionary.
- Have a regular storytelling time.
- Play with words.
- Learn other languages.
- Attend a play.
- Join a debate team.
Use other Smarts to become more Word Smart
Musical Intelligence helps Linguistic Intelligence

Read aloud and listen to the sound of the words. Try singing or rapping your spelling list or facts that you are memorizing.
Use music as jumping off point for writing. Write down what you hear and what it makes you think about.
Mathematical Intelligence helps Linguistic Intelligence

Use the word count feature of a software when you’re working on a story, essay, or other written work. Use some software to track your reading speed.
Spatial Intelligence helps Linguistic Intelligence

Close your eyes and picture what you read. Illustrations and pictures can help guide you through your reading.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence helps Linguistic Intelligence

Physically play with words and letters such as the magnetic word kits.
Interpersonal Intelligence helps Linguistic Intelligence

Talk about what you’re reading with your friends or family. Working and studying with others can help you learn better.
Intrapersonal Intelligence helps Linguistic Intelligence

Start keeping a journal of what you’re thinking and feeling. Think about what you’re learning and how the book you’re reading make you feel.
Naturalist Intelligence helps Linguistic Intelligence

Think about what kind of animals and plants are in your reading books and magazines. Write descriptions of the natural scenes you see, or take notes about leaves or rocks you collect.
Existential Intelligence helps Linguistic Intelligence

Write down questions that make you think more deeply about life. Then try to give an interesting answer. Reading a book that introduces spiritual or religious themes in an entertaining way.
Moral Intelligence helps Linguistic Intelligence

Read fables.
Learn mottos.
Word Smart also built other Smarts
Word Smart helps Music Smart

Write your own words and rhymes to songs to help you learn melodies and rhythm.
Word Smart helps Logic Smart

If you have trouble with math problem or science experiment, try making it into a word problem or keep a journal to record your thoughts and questions.
Word Smart helps Picture Smart

When reading, picture what the characters and the places look like.
Word Smart helps Body Smart

Try to move in the same way how the character does in your plays or skits.
Word Smart helps People Smart

Use the spoken words to entertain others with your storytelling skills, or try to persuade others. Just use words that they understand, that are friendly.
Word Smart helps Self Smart

Use your journal to look at your feeling, explore your goals, and examine your responses to the people and events around you.
Word Smart helps Life Smart

Read some of the sacred test of a religion. Keep track of your thoughts and feelings in a journal.
Word Smart helps Nature Smart

Write myths to explain what you see in nature and all around you.
Word Smart helps Moral Smart

Write a news report or make a story to praise a virtuous person and what he/she did, which are good for others.
FUTURE with Word Smart skills
what we can do if we are Word Smart:
- Advertising Writer
- Advocate
- Lawyer
Basis for Difference | Advocate | Lawyer |
Description | Student or Graduate of Law | Practicing Lawyer |
Admission to the Bar | Eligible for Admission | Some not Eligible for Admission |
Experience | Highly Experienced | Not Experienced |
Duties and Responsibilities | Clients | Advising on Legal Matters |
Charges and Compensation | Highly Compensated | Moderately Compensated |
- Archivist
- Editor
- English Teacher
- Grant Writer
- Indexer
- Information Scientist
- Journalist
- Librarian
- Lobbyist
- Museum Curator
- Paralegal
- Poet
- Politician
- Speaker
- Proofreader
- Public Relations Specialist
- Announcer
- Researcher
- Screenwriter
- Speech Pathologist
- Speechwriter
- Storyteller
- Translator
- Web Editor
- Writer
When kids grow up

As technology continues to advance, a linguistics degree traditionally prepares students are finding their skills in high demand from an unlikely place-positions in artificial intelligence.